October 31st
October 29th
- Here is Gomez's current most wanted list... Germany (dial-up connections), Taiwan (dial-up and low broadband connections), Japan (dial-up connections), Central and South America (dial-up connections), Canada (dial-up connections). If one of these is you, sign up now for an added $1 bonus and a high chance of getting activiated. (review here)
October 28th
- Brand new paid survey company reviewed... TechTV Opinions.
(review here)
October 17th
- A new location has been found for Pinecone Research join banners. See this post for details.
October 15th
- Unique new ad exchange/revenue service for webmasters review. SlideInExchange.
(review here)
October 10th
- AnyPay (payment service) appears to have gone offline. Review removed.
September News
September 23rd
- ReadClick (paid email) has failed to respond to a significant number of complaints about missing payments and ignored emails. Review removed. Some of the compaints are located in this thread.
September 12th
- HorizonSurfer (paid surfing) has stopped responding to problem reports through our verification system. Looks like they're going offline completely. Verification and review removed.
September 11th
- This month GomezPeers is offering a bonus for all new members from the following demographics: Taiwan (Dial-up/Broadband), Japan (Dial-up), Belgium (Dial-up), Ireland (Dial-up) and THe Phillipines (Dial-up).
(review here)
September 4th
- Brand new gold based paid email company out called Read4Gold.
(review here)
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