- October 28th:
PaysU has annouced that 3 members will be picked daily for a £1 to £1000
dollar prize. The catch is that you have to open the "PayStation" at 4:00 and check for your name in
order to win. They have also added a shopping rebates section to their site.
- We're off to uncharted lands. We may never be the same again. May the light of a thousand suns shine
eternally upon your rhododendrons.
- October 27th:
- Reviewed a new Online Credits type program called SurfBuzz. They give you points to bid in
their online auctions. See the review
- The 'Get Paid to be Online' Page is taking a short vacation. Starting on the 28th there will be no news for
5 or 6 days. Everything else will keep working, of course. The AllAdvantage Q and A will be extended until the 3rd or
4th of November. Happy Halloween.
- October 26th: New UK "pay to surf" company just came out. They are called C-Pay. Not a lot of info
available but you can see our review on
this page.
- October 25th:
- As many of you know, the DealViewer website is down. They lost their ISP because of spamming problems.
They may come back online with a new server. We'll see.
- We have removed our listing for ExtraBuck. We were pretty sure they went under quite some time ago but
thought we'd give them a chance.
- GoToWorld has annoucned their August CPM rate. It's $2.41. Not great but at least it's something.
- The SurfMiles CashBox should be out next week, or so they say.
- October 23rd:
- New service on the Pay By Hour Page 2. It's called PaysU and it's from the UK.
Click Here to find out more.
- New "paid email" service called NightMail. The review is on
this page.
- October 22nd:
- The sign up links for the new services mValue and Urge2Net were pointing to the wrong address. This has
been fixed. The new links are
- Sorry to anyone who has tried to get to the Amazing Solution Paid Email site
using our link. They changed the url and neglected to tell us. It should work now on
this page.
- A couple of new services just came out yesterday and today, reviews soon.
- October 21st: Reviewed a great new service for the Pay By Hour page called mValue.
Click Here to see it.
- October 20th:
- New service on the Pay By Hour page called Urge2Net. Could be good.
Click Here for the review and a link.
- Reviewed another new "pay to surf" service. It's called VIPBenefits. We weren't overly impressed but
that's just our opinion. More info on
this page.
- October 19th:
- For anyone that's wondering, here's a list of the "pay to surf" companies that currently have their
software out or in beta release:
- Alladvantage: Available for download
- GoToWorld: Available for download
- ePIPO: Beta testing, final version soon
- UtopiAD: Beta, final version by next month
- DesktopDollars: Available but buggy, new verion in 2 weeks
- Paybar.com: Beta, final version ?
- DesktopHorizon: Release in two weeks to 1000 volunteers
- DollarWeb: Available now
- The Click-Thru Network is back online. Apparently they were down because of a power outage. They have
credited all double click-thru members with an extra month of membership to make up for the down time.
- October 18th: Sharkhunt has released the "alpha" version of their software and will be releasing the final version
soon (they didn't actually specify when.)
- October 17th:
- For anyone that's been having problems with Desktop Dollars: Because of a power outage their
site was down over the weekend. That should explain most problems. If you're wondering why you can't move your "ProfitZONE"
viewbar around the screen... it's because they didn't design it to me moveable. It's programmed to display at a certain
location, defined in pixels. This means that if you have your desktop set to 800x600 or more then it'll show up higher than
you probably want. DD says that there will be an update of the software out in a couple of weeks that will be moveable and
fix some other bugs. Other problems?
Email us.
- New service on the Credits/Surveys/Games page called CashMap.
Click Here to take a look.
- October 16th:
- Dollar-Web has their software out now. For our review and a sign-up link Click Here.
- We've now received multiple reports of problems with the ProfitZONE software from DesktopDollars. It also appears
that they aren't replying to support requests. Is anyone else having problems? If so,
email us (make sure to include your
member ID and the email address you signed up with.) If we get enough response we'll contact DesktopDollars on everyones
- October 15th:
- Reviewed a new service for the Credits/Surveys/Games page called iWin. This one pays you to play games.
Click Here to see the review.
- Do you have questions about AllAdvantage? Gregg Stebben, the head public relations guy from AA has agreed
to do a Q and A with visitors to this site. Post your questions
here. In a week or so we will send send the questions to Gregg
and post the answers. You will also get an email with the answer to your specific question if it's one of the
questions we choose.
- Latest issue of the newslist went out today,
Click Here to see it.
- October 14th:
- Paybar.com announced today that the average value of checks sent to members for
September was $58.77. Not too bad. Also, they currently have a new version of their software in beta testing.
- Quick question: Has anyone received a check from GoToWorld yet? We're pretty sure they are going to come
through eventually but we haven't gotten anything from them yet. If you've received a check, please
email us.
- October 12th:
- It's an especially beautiful day today so if you're looking for news you'll have to check back
later. Bye now.
- Okay... just added a review of a new "paid email" service called EmailDireto to the
Non-English Page.
- October 11th:
- Reviewed a new service for the Pay To Read page. It has potential. It's called ClickMail. Check it out
- Updated a faulty sign up link for Total E-mail.
- October 10th:
- Update about the UtopiAD surf software: They said last month that it would be coming out on the 29th but apparently
what they really meant is that it would be coming out for beta testing. You'll have to wait a little longer before you can
actually get paid with UtopiAD. Review on the
Pay By Hour Page.
- AllAdvantage now has 2.7 million members and the viewbar is available for download by new members instantly. Looking good.
Review on the
Pay By Hour Page.
- A couple of new programs just came out. We'll have reviews in a day or two so check back or join the
- October 9th: For those of you that are wondering what ever happened to Crew-Design (that company that said
they'd pay people for the time they spent offline) they have just announced that their site will be back online
sometime next week and their software will be out October 30th. They still have record of everyones referrals. If all
goes well they will start paying in December. See the review on
this page.
- October 8th: Reviewed a new service on the
Credits/Surveys/Games/Etc. Page called Ignifuge. They
pay you to set your start page to them. They also pay you if you can refer other people to set their start page.
- October 7th: No news today. It's good to be alive though isn't it?
- October 6th:
- We finally got around to putting up a review for SurfAd. They've still got a lot of bugs and a shamelessly bad
referral program. The review is on
This Page.
- Added a new German company to the
Non-English Page. Not a lot of info yet but you can sign up.
- One more new 'pay to surf" program. This one isn't too bad but there seems to be a trend going on here towards
cheap payment plans.
Click Here for the review.
- Spedia has announced that they now have a paid email program to go with their various pay to surf programs. This and
the fact that they recently started sending checks has gotten them promoted to the
Pay By hour Page 1.
- That's enough news for one day.
- October 5th: Spedia announced today that they would be paying $9 for 1000 "ad points" for the month
of September. This works out to $.54/hour. In other words, you can start making money with them right now.
Click Here for more info about them.
- October 4th: As you may have noticed, ValuePay has been down for a little while now. They are back up
and running and still look like a service with some potential.
Click Here to see our review.
- October 3rd: Attention everyone who has a free AllAdvantage webpage with us: We just updated the
sign-up links on all of your pages today. We recently discovered that AllAdvantage was losing referral ID's somewhere
along the way when people were linking to the site using a their regular address instead of linking to the secure site.
AllAdvantage added the extra security about 3 weeks ago. It would have been nice if AA had told us about this but we're
not sure if they even know about it yet.
- October 2nd:
- As we mentioned before, the ProfitZONE software from Desktop Dollars is out. We assume
that means that you can start getting paid right now. The downside is that the software isn't very good at all.
Hopefully they'll have a new version out soon. For more info about DD see our review on
this page.
- The ePIPO Surf Window is currently in Beta release. It should be out some time this month.
- October 1st:
- Reviewed a new service for the Credits/Surveys/Games page. It's called Twisted Humor. It's a lot like
WackyWare except that they give you more money. It's a good one. Go see the review on
This Page.
- Updated the SendMoreInfo review. They have changed their program so that you now have to click a link
at the bottom of each email in order to get paid for it. This is just spiffy with us except that they
have not raised the amount that they pay for each email. We think they should because of the extra time
it will now take. If you would like to email them and suggest that they up the rates,
Click Here.
- The Dollar-Web sign up page appears to be working. You can see the review (sort of) on the
Non-English Page.
- NetBiz has started sending our paid emails.
All material on this page, source code, images and otherwise is Copyrighted © 1999-Unlimited by getpaidtobeonline.net.
NOTE: If you copy anything without our consent, we will be forced to spank you.