October 31st
- KwikECash now has paid joining and paid email online in addition to paid visiting. (review here)
October 22nd
- HorizonSurfer has launched the paid email part of their service. They now have both a paid start page and paid emails running. Next up is paid joining on November 1st. (review here)
October 18th
- Newest issue of the ezine is out. If you're not subscribed, see it
October 17th
- Brand new paid vising/paid email company called KwikECash launched today.
(review here)
- SendEarnings has lowered their payment minimum to $7.50. (review here)
October 16th
- HorizonSurfer has launched the first of their get paid options... a paid start page. Paid email is due on the 22nd.
(review here)
October 14th
- WebEarners is having financial problems and will not be paying members for either August or September. The program is now for sale. This is a cheap move on the part of the owner but it's possible that he will see the light and give the buyer (if any) a discount large enough to pay members back earnings. Review temporarily removed.
October 10th
- Brand new get paid for everything company out called HorizonSurfer.
(review here)
- New paid email review... SendEarnings: $.01 to $.07/email plus paid visiting and joining.
(review here)
October 4th
- Some people have been reporting problems with PaidBizOpMail including lack of customer support and lack of credit for clicking paid email links. If you are having problems, please post them in the PaidBizOpMail thread at the message board
October 2nd
- AstroBingo appears to be offline. There were previously problems with member and affiliate support. Hopefully temporary. (review here)
October 1st
- To answer a very frequent question from recently... Yes, PaidBizOpMail is for real. They do pay. It's just that their customer support sucks a lot of the time. Aside from that they are one of the better paid email companies right now.
(review here)
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