- November 29th:
- DollarWeb now has a translated FAQ page and a working account stats page. They're paying $.60/hour.
- Nothing else all that new and exciting today. We have 5 new programs to check out so there will be reviews over the next
few days. Check back then.
- Have we told you how sexy we think you are? No? Well, The Get Paid to be Online Page thinks you're pretty damn sexy.
- November 27th:
- Correction: The Mac ViewBar from AllAdvantage is not yet out for beta testing. Right now all you can do is sign
up to be a part of the future beta test.
- New service called GetPaid4 on the
Pay By Hour Page 2.
- Added some information about Gregg Stebben (the guy from AllAdvantage who answers the questions y'all have been
Click Here to see it.
- November 26th:
- The AllAdvantage ViewBar for the Macintosh is available for beta testing. You can download the beta version from the
account login page.
- Reviewed a new "get paid to refer people" service called BigReferral. Looks very good. See the review
- UtopiAD has resolved some problems for AOL users and fixed some updating problems for all members. Hopefully this
means that everyone will be getting full credit for their online time.
- November 25th:
- We're back... Happy Gluttonousness day to all our American visitors. Yes, it's true that Americans are easily the
fatest people in the world but that doesn't seem to stop us. (Note: The Get Paid to be Online Page is in excellent shape.)
- CashMap Dollars are now actually worth a full $1 a piece. We thought this was a novel idea.
- ValuePay members who play their free lottery at least 15 times before christmas will be eligible to download the "Piggy"
software immediately.
- ColorStamps has fixed some bugs and upgraded their member account info.
- Destop Horizon has released the beta of their software. Go to their site to volunteer as a beta tester. You'll find a
review and a link on
this page.
- November 19th:
- The AllAdvantage Q and A questions have been answered. You can see them on
this page.
- No more news for a few days, Las Vegas seems to require our attention.
- November 18th:
- New service on the Credits/Surveys/Games page, eBoodle, they'll give you $1 per referral.
Here's the review.
- UtopiAD has released the paying version of their software to over 62,000 members so far. They plan to expand their
services in the future to include a paid email program.
- We've heard that Trespass.net is no longer operating... anyone know if this is true or not?
- Latest issue of the newslist went out last night.
Click Here to see it.
- November 17th:
- New "pay to surf" program. It's called Extra$alary. You'll find the review on
this page.
- We've been informed that ePilot actually is 1Navigator. They don't make this apparent on the website. In light of
this, we take back any bad things we may have said about them :-)
- Spedia has released a new build of their software. It should auto-update next time you run the program.
- November 16th:
- New version of the UtopiAD cashbar has been released.
- New version of the mValue software has been relseased, if you're a member it will auto-update next time you run it.
- Sorry about the wait on the AllAdvantage Q and A answers. Gregg's been busy but should have them answered soon.
- November 15th:
- New company out called ePilot. It's a copy of 1Navigator. The review is
- CashMagic and SendMoreInfo appear to be in the process of merging... could be good.
- November 13th:
- New company that pays you to search. It's called ColorStamps,
here's the review.
- PayBar.com has released the software version of their program. This is good.
- November 12th:
- New "get paid for everyhthing" service on the Credits/Surveys/Games page called CashSurfers. They haven't
launched yet but they look good so far. The review is
- Reviewed a new paid email program called Zupermail.
Click Here to see it.
- Just discovered that the Universal Science sign up link was wrong. If you've had trouble
signing up, it should work now. The review and sign up link are on the
Credits/Surveys/Games Page.
- November 11th:
- Reviewed a new "Credit" service called CastNet. The review is on
this page.
- New pay to surf service called BannerUnion. Review is
- November 10th:
- Urge2Net's account pages are now online. Go to
this page for a link to them.
- Added a review page for UK based "pay to surf" companies. Here's a
- November 9th:
- Good new service on the PayToRead page called CashMagic.
Click Here to see the review.
- November 8th:
- Reviewed a great new service for the Associate/Affiliate Programs page. It's called WebSponsors. See the
review here.
- Added a new promo resource on the Associate/Affiliate/Webmaster page called MegaMailingListBuilder.
Click Here to take a look.
- DesktopHorizon has annouced that they plan to release a paying version if their software around Thanksgiving.
- The top referrer for AllAdvantage has over 25,000 referrals. This guy is actually going to be able to retire
on income from a "pay to surf" company. Great big smile to those of you that thought this was a scam and didn't
sign up earlier :-)
- PrizeWindow has released build 100 of their software. Review
- Surfing2Cash says that they will release their software in one month.
- November 7th:
- We've confirmed it, Ignifuge is paying. You can find out about the tracking system
after you log in. We like this one a lot because it really is money for nothing. You won't make more than $15
a month by yourself but with some referrals it could add up quick.
- Removed some unpopular programs from the associate/affiliate programs page, look for more webmaster resources
there in the next couple of weeks.
- November 6th: New "paid surfing" company called Making-Cash. Review is on
this page.
- November 5th:
- New German service on the Non-English page called EarnNow. See the review
- Reviewed a new company called AdPerks for the
Credits/Surveys/Games page.
- November 4th:
- We're back. Some new services have come out, there will be reviews in the coming week. Here's a quick look at what's happened
in the last week:
- The ePIPO SurfWindow is out! For some members anyway.
- Spedia annouced that members will now be able to earn instant ad points by joining programs offered by their sponsers. Spedia
has stopped giving members points for using their url redirection service, however.
- Universal Science has sent checks to active members for last quarter. They will be paying more once they get into "stage II."
We don't really know what they mean by this and we're not entirely sure that they know either.
- ItAdsUp had some problems with sign-ups so if you haven't reveived a copy of their newsletter yet then you'll need to sign up
again. There's a link on
this page. Their software will start beta testing in a couple of weeks.
- The Ignifuge tracker is out which means that you can start making money for up to 10 visits a day. More info
- CashMap says that they will officially launch on November 20th
- The AllAdvantage Q and A questions have been sent to Gregg. Answers should be posted within a couple of days.
- That's it for now, check back tomorrow.
All material on this page, source code, images and otherwise is Copyrighted © 1999-Unlimited by getpaidtobeonline.net.
NOTE: If you copy anything without our consent, we will be forced to spank you.