June 27th
- MilesBar has gone gently into that good night. Review removed.
June 26th
- Notice the lack of news the last few days? It's summertime up here in the northern hempisphere and everyone seems to have noticed. Just thought you should know.
June 25th
- ReadThemWell (paid email) has published May rates. Up again for the fourth month in a row.
(review here)
June 20th
- GetPaidtobeOnline.net has a new forum... The Builders Forum. You can get to it from the forum list
June 18th
- BronzeCash is making their first round of PayPal payments today and has made some improvements to their service. See the update review for details.
(review here)
- There are rumors that Blink is going to start charging for membership. So far there hasn't been any proof. The only thing we know for sure is that a lot of people have been having trouble accessing the site. It might be a good idea to cash out now, just in case.
(review here)
- ahMoola has dicontinued their paid email and referral programs (finally). Members can still get paid for signing up. Review removed.
June 16th
- CashRadio has temporarily suspend the paying part of their program. They are forced to do this, apparently, because of contract problems with their main advertisement supplier. They hope to come back online with a new system and new advertisers at the end of July, 2002. Review temporarily removed.
June 15th
- TrafficJam is offline. Review removed.
June 12th
- Overtures referral program is back. They're also giving all new accounts a $10 bonus. Makes it a good time to sign up for the daddy of all PPC search engines.
(review here)
- ShareTraffic has expanded their referral program. Here's the update mini-review... ShareTraffic: Nicely implemented 1:1 ClickThru exchange. 50 visits to join plus 60 visits and 25%, 10%, 5%, 4% and 2% for referrals. Join here.
June 10th
- iRewards (paid email and portal) latest rates are out. Up from last month.
(review here)
June 9th
- ClickThru has made some changes to the cash part of their program. The $2.50 processing fee has been removed and the payment minimum has been lowered to $5. Also, a daily earnings limit of $.50 has been added. This was the only way for them to continue offering cash at such generous rates.
(review here)
- Chat4Cash review removed. We discovered conclusive evidence that they killed Christmas.
June 7th
- New paid email company exclusively for eGold members... EmailForGold. (review here)
- EarningClick is redesigning their system. Review removed until they start accepting new members again.
June 6th
- New paid survey review... GlobalTestMarket. $2.50 to $10/survey plus $1-2/referral.
(review here)
June 5th
- New webmaster revenue mini review: LeadHound... Fairly good CPC, CPA and CPS affiliate network. 5% for referrals. Join
June 4th
- During the month of June, Porivo is offering bonuses for new peers in the following demographics:
-Central America (any connection type) -South America (any connection type) -Switzerland (Cable and ADSL only)
Any referrals from these areas are worth $2 instead of $1 and any new member joining from these locations gets a $1 sign up bonus.
(review here)
June 3rd
- The Create-A-Click section has been updated with news and new companies. See it here.
June 2nd
- As divined by your friendly neighborhood Get Paid to be Online Page, RewardsDivine has lowered their payment minimum... and they did, in fact, do it out of love for the people. Now there's just that processing fee... (review here)
- ItPaysToLearn is delaying payments until June 10th. They are very commited to sticking around, it seems, but they need more member support.
(review here)
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