January 31st
- The EmailTreasures paid visiting program has become very active and now allows members to earn $.30, or more, each day by visiting links.
(review here)
January 29th
- ePIPO (ancient, but never fully launched, paid surfing) is ending their paid surfing program. All members who earned $24, or more, will be compensated. Review removed.
January 28th
- The first round of UniqPaid (newer paid visiting/signing up) payments are ready. Anyone who earned $5, or more, in December can request payment.
(review here)
January 24th
- DiamondBets is going offline to rethink some things. They hope to be back but things are unsure at this point. Anyone that's owed $5, or more, will be getting paid within the next month or two. Review removed.
January 23rd
- New paid email company review... PayedMail. Decent rates. (review here)
- ItPaysToLearn is back online! There have been some changes to the program which should allow it to stick around for quite some time. First, the point conversion rate is now fixed at 1 point = $.001. Second, the maximum number of paid points a member can earn in one month is now 4500 unless they upgrade to gold membership. Everything else remains unchanged. (review here)
January 22nd
- Free condoms? Why not? This one has been around for a while and is legitimate. Join
January 21st
- AvaMail has just published their december exchange rates...It works out $.03/email. Not bad. 30% for referrals.
(review here)
January 18th
- WebmasterQuest (establised traffic company) is now offering members the chance to win cash at the same time they're earning free traffic. 10% for referrals. Very nice.
(review here)
- New paid shopping service out called CashClink. (review here)
January 14th
- MyEssay (paid writing) referral program is temporarily offline. They plan to improve and reinstate it soon.
(review here)
January 12th
- New international paid email out called MailForCash. (review here)
- Jeff (Wantumbucks) has the stats on all 63 CAC companies. Without referrals the majority are a complete waste of time. See
this post at the message forum for more info.
January 10th
- WinoMail (international French paid email) sent their first paid email yesterday.
(review here)
- Update... ahMoola has decided to continue paying both Canadian and UK members. Internationals from other countries will still be cancelled.
(review here)
January 9th
- Newest issue of The Get Paid to be Online Zine is out. If you're not a subscriber you can read it
January 8th
- eMoneyPartner no longer pays free members for referrals and has lowered personal rates to $.10/email... With the $35 payment minimum this puts free members about 7 years away from a check. Review removed.
January 7th
- PrizesAndCash (newest paid surfing) has released a new version of their software (paying) and has expanded the member section. Looking better.
(review here)
January 3rd
- RefRewards had some database problems while upgrading. A small amount of member data was lost. You may need to re sign up
- SurvivorStakes is ending their program. :-( Current members can still win cash until February 1st. Review removed.
January 1st, 2002
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