February 28th
- New paid joining program review... DoPerfect. $4 payment minimum. (review here)
- Updated paid email review... 2-Opt: They're not reviewed in the regular paid email section because they don't have much of a referral program. They pay $.05/email plus $.10 for each referral. They do not pay for emails read by referrals. All members are entered in a monthly drawing for prizes and cash. Aside from the missing referral program this is a well designed service. No payment minimum (but there is a $1.50 handling fee for payment requests under $10). Join here.
February 27th
- Unique new paid visiting shopping program out called 1percent. Points are redeemed for travel and tobacco accessories (i.e. pipes, bongs, etc...)
(review here)
- In honor of the fact the paid visiting/signing up is becoming one of the best ways to make free money (if you're willing to put some time into it), the paid visiting section has been cleaned up a bit. 4 or 5 dead/dying company reviews have been removed. Most of the remaining companies are very much worth a look.
(reviews here)
February 26th
- New referral service/affiliate program out called PowerThinker. $1 for each free ezine subscription given away. Very nice.
(review here)
- MailForPrizes will be running a referral bonus program throughout the month of March. See the review for details.
(review here)
February 22nd
- Shiny new paid email company just launched called eWorldGenie. $.07/email.
(review here)
- New affiliate program mini-review... BoxFrog - $.25 for each free email account given away plus $.05/account for 4 levels of referrals. International. Join
- Coins2Cash has new owners and has lost all previous membership info. Everyone has to re-join... Which you can do here. There have also been a number of changes to the program, see the updated review for details. (review here)
February 21st
- New webmaster earnings program review... FreeCasinosOnline. $.20/click plus 10% for referrals.
(review here)
February 20th
- ReadThemWell (paid email) send out their first round of payments on the 18th.
(review here)
- Right now Porivo is specifically looking for users in the following demographics:
UK - High Broad Band - 1Mbps+ (T1, T3, DS3, etc.)
Australia - High Broad Band - 1Mbps+ (T1, T3, DS3, etc.)
New Zealand - High Broad Band - 1Mbps+ (T1, T3, DS3, etc.)
Japan - Dial-up - (28.8K, 33.6K, 56K, etc.)
Singapore - Dial-up - (28.8K, 33.6K, 56K, etc.)
This means that if you fit these criteria and start usinging the software now you will almost definitely get activated. If you're not a member, this would definitely be a good time to join. People in other locations, at other connection speeds, are still being activated but demand is not currently as high.
(review here)
- GoThruUs is thru. Review removed.
- Some comic relief... Someone mentioned this one on the message board: HorseBucks. It's actually over a year old but, obviously, never got reviewed. The amazing part is that it's still around. The owner is still paying for hosting so they must still believe there's a market for a horse related ad bar. We think there are far too many hurdles, however. If you have any thoughts, post them in this thread
February 19th
- BuildReferrals members can now upgrade to the Matrix for free! This is a great opportunity, especially because your referrals will be able to do the same. See the review for details. (review here)
February 14th
- Just reviewed an unusual new paid email type service called FunnyMoney.
(review here)
- Latest payments from WebBullion are out. Looks like rates are very low.
(review here)
February 12th
- ReadThemWell is going to be removing inactive members from their database on the 15th of this month. If you haven't logged in or clicked a paid email link in the last 30 days, make sure to log into your account so you don't get deleted. The cleaned up database should help them start sending more paid emails by March.
(review here)
February 10th
- PrimaRewards (one of the nicer paid visiting companies) is now offering a referal contest that gives 5000, 2500 and 1000 points to the top three referrers each month. They have also added a program which allows members to use points to buy referrals (250 points/referral). (review here)
- TheMainDomain (traffic exchange) has lost all member info. It wasn't one of the better ones anyway. Review removed.
February 9th
- The cutoff date to join the BuildReferrals matrix and get a share of the 1,000,000 new members coming in this month (evenly distributed as free referrals among all matrix members) is the 15th of this month. (review here)
February 8th
- PopupSponsor is temporarily not accepting new members. There are now links in the review to a very nice CPM popup program with similar rates.
(review here)
- CashGlow (paid games and chatting) has added a paid message forum to their list of ways members can earn money. 70% revenue share.
(review here)
February 7th
- SubscriberDrive lost a small portion of their member database. Most members accounts should still be there but you'll want to check here to make sure yours hasn't been lost.
(review here)
- TigerClick minimum payout has been lowered to $5 via PayPal. (review here)
February 6th
- New webmaster revenue program out called SearchBadger... Pays webmasters 60% of income (up to $.20/click) per search. Lots of options. 10% for referrals. Join here.
- iCommissions has lowered referral rates from 15% to 5% and dropped the $3.50 bonus. They have also failed to acquire a decent share of the affiliate program management marget. Much better options out there. Review removed.
- Speaking of much better options... Check out our updated review of OnResponse.
(review here)
February 5th
- TrashTraffic is now paying $.06/click. Click the More+ link under Revenue programs here for review.
- In a moment of unparalleled managerial genius TrocaMania (paid lots o' stuff) has redesigned their program in such a way that it is now a complete waste of time. Review removed.
February 4th
- Very nice new webmaster revenue program out called TargetWords. (review here)
- PayPal has added Japan, Mexico and Spain to their list of countries where members can have cash deposited directly into their bank account.
(review here)
February 3rd
- New program... FunnyPrizes. If you're into novelty items, check this one out.
(review here)
- PrimaRewards (paid visiting and lots more) is back online. (review here)
February 1st
- For all you Create-A-Click fans... The newest Edition of Jeff's "The Great CAC Question Answered" is out. More info and a link at the message forum
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