- December 30th:
- We've got one more review for you before the year 2000. Check back in early January, we've got 6 or 7 new companies to review right now. Anyway, Happy New Year. It is our sincere hope that, however it happens, you wake up on the first in an entirely different world than the one you went to sleep in.
- New Australian company on the Pay By Hour Page 2. It's called Surf2Web
- December 29th:
- AllAdvantage started paying members in France, Austrialia, New Zealand and Germany yesterday. This is great for members in those countries but it's also good for everyone else. It means that a much higher percentage of your referrals will now be surfing.
- AllAdvantage is a little behind with checks from November because of Christmas but never fear, yours should be on it's way.
- December 28th:
- DesktopHorizon has announced that, instead of paying in cash, they will be paying in Credits that will be redeemable for products from various merchants. They say that this will allow them to pay people more. Sounds good to us, we don't mind one company paying this way. Review and link, here.
- ColorStamps has sent checks for the month of November.
- Ignifuge has proven that the "paid homepage" concept may be even better than the "paid surfing" setup. The only downside is that you can't run two "homepage" services at once. Of course there's only one of them right now so that's not too much of a problem. For more info about Ignifuge, Click Here.
- December 25th:
- Merry Christmas. If you're here on Christmas then you're either really into getting paid online or you need to make up for what you spent on gifts. Either way we figured you deserved some new reviews :-)
- First, there's a new company that pays people to take surveys called iCameo. The review is on this page
- For Christmas from ePIPO... a new way to get paid. You get 10 points for every time you click on an advertisers banner and 1 point each time on of your referrals clicks. Every 100 points gets you an entry in a drawing for: $2500, A new computer system and 5 Palm Vs. This is really just to give the people who haven't been able to download the paying software yet something to do. It looks like you'll have to go to their site and download the contest version of the ad window to participate. There's a review and a link here.
- Lastly, we just reviewed a new "pay to search" program called TitanSearch. The review is on the Search Services page.
- December 23rd:
- ValuePay has started releasing their software to a small group of early members for testing. They've also announced that the lottery prizes will be doubled for the week of the 27th-Jan 3rd. There are currently over 300 winners each week. ValuePay has something new called the "refugee program." If you refer someone who is already a member of at least one other "get paid" program then you earn double. Our ValuePay review is here.
- VIPBenefits has begun releasing their software on a first come, first served basis. They've also upgraded their website. There's now more info and a page where you can check your account and referrals. VIPBenefits is definitely worth a look. Our review is here.
- CashSurfers has upgraded their harware, added some new ways to get paid to their site and plans to pay out 100% of their income for the month of December to insure that members get the full amount promised. Nice of them huh? Review is on this page.
- GoThruUs has announced that they will give members $1 for each person they refer as well as $10 for completing the online referral form. There's a sign up link on the Credits/Surveys/Games Page.
- December 22nd:
- Happy Winter Solstice. If it's clear where you are tonight, take a look at the full moon... it's closer to the Earth than it has been in 133 years.
- There's a new paid surfing company out called PaidForSurf (shouldn't that be PaidForSurfING?) The review is on the Pay By Hour Page 2.
- Cool new affiliate program called ValleyTees. Find out more on this page.
- Last, but not least (well maybe), there's a new "pay to read" company called Team4Success. The review is on this page.
- December 21st:
- BannerUnion says that they will be releasing their "ViewTrack" software on January 10th.
- December 20th:
- GoToWorld has started a "Star Member" program. If you have 10 or more referrals and surf for 10 or more hours per month then, among other things, they'll give you a 5% bonus on your monthly checks.
- Here are the latest standings in the mValue contest, the numbers on their site are slightly out of date...
Prizes | Minimum Referrals | 1 winner of $1,000,000 | 2826 | 10 winners of $10,000 | 336 | 100 winners of $1,000 | 40 | 1000 winners of $100 | 6 | For more info about mValue, go to this page. - Spedia now has a "paid to play" section on their website where you get points for winning. Click Here to see our review.
- December 19th:
- The Get Paid to be Online Page now has it's own domain: GetPaidtobeOnline.net, if you're using the old address, click here to go to the new one and update your bookmarks/favorites.
- December 18th:
- Here are the current standings for the mValue contest from their website:
Prizes | Minimum Referrals | 1 winner of $1,000,000 | 2813 | 10 winners of $10,000 | 305 | 100 winners of $1,000 | 38 | 1000 winners of $100 | 6 |
According to those numbers, if you can refer 10 people by January 23rd you'll most likely be getting a $100 check. Not a bad deal. For our review of mValue, and a sign up link, go to this page. - December 17th:
- AllAdvantage will be offline from Midnight December 30th to noon January first. They say they're doing it to protect themselves from unforseen Y2K errors but we don't see how it would do that. We think it's mostly just a perfect chance to do some server updates.
- CashMap has updated their stats error, fixed some bugs and now has a dedicated server. Glad to know they're putting some time in.
- December 16th:
- Brand new "paid mail" service. They'll even pay you to receive direct mail and faxes. It's called PurcaseAlert and the review is here.
- We got the info for the French company MediaBarre translated. The review is on the Non-English Page.
- There's a new service on the Credits/Surveys/Games Page called GoThruUs. They'll give you $1/referral until the year 2000.
- AllAdvantage has announced that the Viewbar will be available to members in France, Germany, Austrailia and New Zealand within the next 30 days. The Mac Viewbar is already in beta testing and will be out in January.
- Newest issue of the newslist just went out. See it here.
- December 15th:
- The DesktopDollars website is back up... there's link to it here.
- mValue has paid out the 1000 $50 prizes they promised to the people who referred the most new members in the first week. You still have until January 23rd to get in on their referral contest. As of December 13th you only needed 6 referrals to be in the running for $100 prizes and and 35 to be up for the $1000 dollar prizes. Join or see the review on this page.
- ValuePay has started releasing their "Piggy" software. If you were on of the members lucky enough to sign up at the beginning then you already have it.
- December 13th:
- Hello everyone. When was the last time you stopped to pet a burning dog? Been a while huh? We thought so.
- WackyWare announced that they will be running a contest starting today and ending on December 19th. They will award $200, $100, $50 and $50 respectively to the four members who refer the most new people during the contest period. They'll also give two $50 dollar prizes away randomly to anyone that has referred at least one person. If you're not a member, check out the review and sign up link here.
- We have some bad news for you. If you signed up with the "paid surfing" company, BlueTree, before today then your account has been lost. We imagine that they are very sorry about this. Their server crashed. They now have a new setup and ISP so this shouldn't happen again. You can get more info, and the new sign up link, from our review.
- December 12th:
- There a new service out (couple of weeks old actually) called WhyLook. They'll pay you to use their search engine. The review is here.
- The UK company, PaysU is now paying members in the US and Canada. They have also added some new ways to get paid. Click Here for a review and link.
- December 11th:
- We've heard that Ignifuge has started sending checks. With this in mind, we recommend this program to everyone. The reason being is that it requires so little effort on your part. Set your start page and you're making money. Simple as that. Our review and a sign up link are on this page.
- Just reviewed a new "paid search" service that has the potential to be worth some good money. It's called RocketLinks. Click Here for the review.
- December 10th:
- TotalEmail now has some online surveys that you can take to earn credits. If you're not a member, here's a signup link: Sign Up.
- Spedia has a new version of their software available and some new ways to get paid.
- Reviewed a "paid email" new company called TheMail that pays you to refer people to their free email accounts. Click Here to see the review.
- December 9th:
- There's a new company out that will pay you to review and rate websites for their search engine. It's called HotRate. Looks good to us. Here's the review.
- ePilot is paying. Actually, they've already been paying for a few weeks but now it's official. They'll send you a check once you earn $20 or more. See our review on this page.
- December 8th:
- There's a new company out that will pay you to use their dating and chat service. It's called PayDate.
- The Mvalue contest is still going. According to them, if you had 6 referrals on December 2nd then you were in the running for one of the 1000 $100 cash prizes. Also, there are $1000 and $10,000 prizes for members that refer the most people. You can also earn "contest points" by using their ad window. A review of mValue is on this page.
- December 7th:
- The UK "paid surfing" service C-Pay has gone under because of lack of funding. Just thought we'd let you know.
- GoToWorld has announced their September CPM rate: $2.71. This is really bad. The only plus about it is that they're paying at all. The big question is whether or not their members are going to stick around. Hopefully when people start dropping out they'll take the hint and pick things up some.
- If you've had problems with the DesktopDollars account page, it should be fixed by the end of this week.
- UtopiAD says that the low rates they've been paying members are because of a software error. We are quite sure that this is a bunch of crap but either way they promise to raise the rates. More power to them.
- Sorry about the delay on the new reviews, lots going on here. Check again tomorrow.
- December 6th:
- CashMap now has a few new ways for members to get paid and has added an online stats page.
- No other news today but check back tomorrow, we'll be posting some new reviews.
- December 4th:
- New French "paid surfing" program on the Non-English Page called MediaBarre.
- Reviewed another new service for the NonEnglish page (link above.) It's called Prosite.
- AllPaidFor has announced that, Monday night, they will be releasing a new version of their site. It will offer more ways to get paid. The review of AllPaidFor is here.
- GetPaid4 now supports embedding of referral IDs in a url. This is good.
- We have removed MyPoints from the "Credits/Surveys/Games" page. We did this because, one, they have a terrible referral program and they don't pay well and, two, we didn't like them very much anyway.
- December 3rd:
- UtopiAD (a pay to surf company) has started a paid email program. If you're already a member, log into your account and click the "opt in email" link to join. A review and link are on this page.
- If you have recently tried to sign up with CashSurfers from our site, you may have noticed that the referrer information was wrong. If you had problems, they have been fixed and you can now sign up using the link below.
- December 2nd:
- Very intereting new program on the Pay By Hour page called BePaid.
Click Here to see the review. - As promised, Cashsurfers released their software last night. Find a review and link to their site here.
- December 1st:
- PaysU has announced that they will be running a number of cash contests and are giving members who refer the most people to the program bonus points which can be redeemed for cash. The review in on the UK Page.
- GetPaid4 says that their public launch has been delayed until December 3rd. They say that they will be paying members who used the program in November $1.00/hour for helping them beta test. This company is looking better and better. You'll find our review and a sign-up link on this page.
- CashMap has announced that, thru the end of 1999, any member who earns 100 points surfing and searching will automatically get a 10 point bonus. They say they'll have their entire system automated in the next couple of weeks.
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