December 25th
December 22nd
- ItPaysToLearn will be ending cash payments. IPTL cash is now spendable only in their online store (over 2000 products available), or for advertising.
(review here)
December 20th
- There is a new paid email program out called ReadPay. They are using a half-pirated website layout/design and are offering members $2 email. Although it should be obvious, this one is a scam.
- New paid entry program with a large amount of spillover potential posted at the Builders Forum. See this post.
December 13th
- New paid trivia, visiting and joining review... PCHPoints. From Publishers Clearing House.
(review here)
- Gain2Lead (paid joining) has gone offline. Looks permanent like. Review removed.
December 11th
- VJaysPaidLinks is altering their program so that members have to pay them first before they can cash out. Yes, we agree, it's one of the stupidest things anyone has ever come up with. Review removed.
December 10th
- Newest issue of The Get Paid to be Online Zine is out. If you're not subscribed you can see it
December 6th
- During the month of December, Gomez Peer (formerly Porivo) is offering extra incentives for new dial up members in the following countries: Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Japan and Switzerland. Anyone joining from one of those locations will get a $1 bonus, almost definite activation and their referrer will get $2.
(review here)
December 5th
- New paid visiting review... LinkBurst. No payment minimum, identical to LinksToCash.
(review here)
- CashRadio is relaunching as a truly terrible sweepstakes surfing program. Don't waste your time.
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