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The Get Paid to be Online Zine
October 18th, 2002
Welcome to our newsletter. The only ezine on the internet that sincerely thinks you're sexy. Delusion or not, it just can't help itself.
If you have any questions or suggestions, send us an email at this address:
You can scroll down to the bottom of this email for unsubscribe information (but we don't recommend it.)
News and Updates
-Pay by hour services
-Paid reading/writing services
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-Other services
This Issues Recommendations
-Top Companies
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Get Paid Forum/Chat
-There can be only one
The End
-Until next time
Get daily updates about all services at our news page:
Nothing too earth shattering has happened at getpaidtobeonline.net since last issue... but only because we have yet to figure out how to make a bunch of digital information do anything resembling earth shattering.
The website verification program is now fully online. If you see the "this website reviewed by getpaidtobeonline.net" button on a website, that means that the owner is serious about customer support and satisfaction. If you have problems with a verified website and do not receive help from them, contact us and we will get your problem resolved.
If you're a website owner, click the verification button in the upper right corner of the main page to find out more about getting your site verified:
Kind of a small issue this month, for a change...
[Pay By Hour Services]
Biggest news here is that CashGlow has temporarily lowered their hourly rate from $.10/hour to $.05/hour. They promise that this will only last for a few months will they catch up on back payments owed by Haignet Media, the previous owners.
Second biggest bit of paid surfing trivia is that ClickThru will be converting to a products/gift certificates method of payment instead of cash in the near future. This should actually be a good thing as it will increase earning potential.
Other news since last issue (newest first):
~New company: HorizonSurfer. Paid start page, email, surfing and more. Very new.
~New company: PaidSurf. Paid surfing/visiting. Up to $2/day in personal earnings.
~More low earning company reviews removed.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
[Paid Reading/Writing Services]
If you're a member of PaidBizOpMail have have been having problems, please post in the PaidBizOpMail thread at the message board (link further down). All problems posted there will be seen (and hopefully resolved) by the owner.
News since last issue:
~New company: SendEarnings. Completely remodeled re-launch. Looks good so far.
~SendEarnings has halved payment minimum. It's now $7.50.
~All of the other paid email news has been happening in the world of generic paid email companies (CACs, for instance). Jeff will hopefully be back to start updating that section of the site in the near future.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in this section:
2-Opt... They're not reviewed because of their general lack of a referral program. They do pay $.05/email, however, so we like to mention them:
[Referral Services]
BuildReferrals has removed all of their free program listings and has ended the paid earnings parts of their services. They now list only paid entry programs. Review removed.
[Other Services]
News since last issue:
~New company: KwikECash. Extremely new paid visiting, still ironing out the bugs.
~Webearners is, for all intents and purposes, gone.
~AstroBingo has been on and offline quite a bit recently. Looks like they're back for the time being, though.
~PrimaRewards rates have gone up again.
~New company: LinkShare. Affiliate intermediary for webmasters. $1.50/referral.
~V3 Exchange is now called VesperExchange. Everything about the program aside from that is unchanged.
~SmartEPoints has added paid searching to their list of services.
~You can now get over 3000 free hits to your website just by signing up with the free traffic programs reviewed in the webmaster section. Much more for actually using them.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
(Note: Click the 'More' links in the webmaster section to find additional traffic and revenue programs)
[Top 10 Picks]
MySurvey... Currently the internets most active paid survey company.
ClickThru... Great traffic program for webmasters and high quality paid visiting for non-webmasters. 5 level referral program.
CashBreak... Paid games at their best. Wide variety, $.50/referral.
CashGlow... $.10/hour for chatting and playing games. They've been reliable for over six months and have recently added new cash incentives for playing games.
HTMail... The original paid email company. Still paying, great rates.
Porivo... Assuming they accept/activate you, you can, sincerely, get paid for doing absolutely nothing.
ReadClick... Very well established paid email company. Great rates and frequent paid emails.
PrimaRewards... Get paid for lots of stuff. One of the best and getting better.
SurveySavvy... The best paid survey referral program on the net. Not bad for personal use either.
1Percent... "Alternative" rewards program. In case you were curious, the pipes you can redeem for are designed for TOBACCO. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking otherwise. ;-)
For reviews and links to the above companies, go to the url below and click the Top Ten Guide link:
Every once in a while we feel it's important to tell you what you've said. Or something like that.
The following quotes are responses to our ezines subscription question: "What are your feelings on global warming and how it relates to sexual harassment?"
Fundamentally, there is a direct correlation between global warming and sexual harassment.
I don't know about you, but when I get HOT, I will stalk a woman, throw her down, and drag her home by the hair!
~Charlie Reynolds
-> Editors Note: Charlie probably doesn't really do this so no angry emails.
39 will do it! 46 is pushing it.
~Russ Lepej
It is very nice
~Nurdin Kaparov
-> Editors Note: Don't you love language barriers? We do.
I must say I'm against any kind of global warming, as I want to keep warm by hugging nice ladies whenever I see them!
~Paul Mottley
-> Editors Note: Paul clearly has very firm political views and we respect him for it.
~Holly Krause
~Christina Richardson
-> Editors Note: These were very common responses, go figure?
Sexual harassment relates global warming like a water relates to the thirst of the wounded.
~Yauhen Makarevich
-> Editors Note: Amen brother. Er... wha... nevermind.
Well, just the term "hole in the ozone" lends itself to sexual interpretation, don't you think?
~Bette Fuqua
-> Editors Note: LOL.
Entirely too much hype about global warming and not enough harrassment overall.. dang it.
~Brenda Sparks
-> Editors Note: We feel your pain Brenda. Would anyone care to volunteer to sexually harass Brenda just a little?
What has global warming got to do with sexual harassment?
~Vincent Wong
-> Editors Note: It's an amazing coincidence Vincent... I was just at a website that was asking the same question. ;-)
Well, when it's hotter I take my clothes off... But only in my backyard.
~Melinda Adams
More next time. :-)
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For more info about paid chatting, click the Live Chat link in the upper right hand corner.
For updates and discussion about paid entry programs, see the builders forum here:
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