![]() ![]() ![]() September 27th News List This list is in un-formatted plain text in order to be compatible with all email clients, however, this page has been formatted to fit your screen. The 'Get Paid to be Online' News List October 15th, 1999 http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ _______________________________________________________ Let us know what you think. Please email us if you have any comments or suggestions. We would like that. http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/contact.php?em=ezine ------------------------------------------------------------ You are receiving this email because either you, or someone you know, subscribed you to this newslist. You can scroll down to the bottom of this email for unsubscribe information (but we don't recommend it.) ------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________ CONTENTS What's New -Pay by hour services -Pay by email services -Others Referral Tips -Yes, that's right, referral tips Is there a deeper meaning to life? -Probably Links Other Stuff -Last Issues survey -This Issue, Q and A with Gregg Stebben from AllAdvantage -Until next time _______________________________________________________ WHAT'S NEW Get updates about all services at our What's New? page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WhatsNew.php Gregg Stebben, the head of public relations for AllAdvantage, has agreed to do a Q and A with visitors to The 'Get Paid to be Online' Page. Is there anything you want to know about AA? You'll find more info near the bottom of this issue. Here's a link to the Gregg Stebben Q and A page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/AllAdvantageQA.php -Pay By Hour Services- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php Most of these companies have had at least some chance to establish themselves. Now the bigger ones are working on getting their software out and sending checks before members get tired of waiting. A lot of services are getting ready to start paying, you can get updates on the What's New? page (see above.) Desktop Horizon had some problems with their ISP this month but they are planning to come back and we still think they'll turn out to be one of the good ones. ValuePay was also down for a bit but is back up an running. New services since the last NewsList: 1Navigator (September 29th) - A pay to surf company with a twist, could be good. Dollar-Web (October 1st) - A French company, nothing spectacular unless you're French. Money4Surfing (October 6th) - Another German company, no info yet. PrizeWindow (October 6th) - Not bad but they only pay for 2 levels of referrals. You can see our review about any of the services mentioned here at the following urls: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour2.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NonEnglish.php -Pay By Email Services- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php Paid email services are getting steadily better. A lot of them have had a chance to get their name out there and are now sending out a decent amount of emails. SendMoreInfo now requires that users click on a link in each email their receive in order to get paid for it. Poopy huh? New services since the last NewsList: Spedia (October 6th) - Spedia is a "pay to surf" company that just launched a paid email program. ClickMail (October 11th) - Looks pretty good, not exactly paid email but close enough. You can see reviews of all the above mentioned services at: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php -Other Services- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php These have quite a few new additions to the Credits/Surveys/Games page. Some of these companies have moved past novelty status. We recommend checking some of them out at the url above. Still no interesting new associate/affiliate programs. If you don't like it, try to keep in mind that our daddy can still beat up your daddy. _______________________________________________________ REFERRAL TIPS You'll notice that these are pretty much the same tips as the last issue, they're for new members. How do you get more referrals for the services that offer referral programs, without spamming? Well, first of all, you could try spamming. You probably won't get caught. We really don't recommend it because it is one of the more annoying things on the internet and the response rate is somewhere under 1%. 1) The first thing you should do is email everyone you know that won't get upset by the offer. Seems pretty straight forward but we thought we'd mention it because a lot of people haven't done it yet. The other reason we mention it is because you can now tell them that, no, these services are definitely not a scam. Now we've got proof that a few of the "By Hour" and a lot of the "By Email" services have actually started to pay people. Also, don't forget ICQ/AOL Instant Messenger/Yahoo Messenger/ MSN Messenger. Might we suggest ICQs random chat feature? 2) Whatever you do, do it soon. There are literally 100s of 1000s of people a day signing up for these kinds of services. 3) Make a webpage. It's amazingly easy and it's a good place to send people who want to sign up. We'll be happy to help you with your page. You can find info about our free webpage offer for some of the "By Hour" services on our site. 4) Promote your webpage. Submit it to the 15-20 major search engines, there are lots of free pages online that you can use to do this automatically. Put your url in your email signature. Tell everyone. Join a service like the Click-Thru Network and possibly a link exchange service of some kind. You can see out review of the Click-Thru Network and find a link to their site on our associate programs page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php 5) If you can do it inexpensively, get the word out offline. The people that don't know about these services yet are people that have computers but don't spend a lot of time surfing the internet. We have a feeling they would if they knew they were getting paid for it. 6) If you're thinking of putting some money into this, we suggest advertising through an opt-in mailing list. If you find the right list the response rate is very good, it should be fairly inexpensive and you won't piss anyone off. 7) Don't take anything too seriously. We think this is the number one problem in America today. We have done extensive studies which prove that taking things too seriously causes just about everything bad, including cancer. We also have evidence that suggests that it's responsible for the common cold and the trots. _______________________________________________________ LINKS NetMechanic (Validate the html on your page, check spelling, broken links and more) http://www.netmechanic.com/ 12 Minute General IQ Test (Am I smart enough to get paid for being online?) http://www.brain.com/iq/12mintest/ Free submission to ten of the major search engines. http://www.submitit.com/ Our main page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ By hour services pages: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour2.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NonEnglish.php By email services page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php Online Credits/Surveys/Games page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php Associate Programs/Webmasters page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php What's new page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WhatsNew.php Exchange Links: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ExchangeLinks.php Yahoo Club: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thegetpaidtobeonlineclub Links Page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Links.php AllAdvantage Q and A Page:: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/AllAdvantageQA.php Subscribe to this list: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NewsList.php Unsubscribe from this list: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Unsubscribe.php _______________________________________________________ OTHER STUFF -Last Issues Survey- Here are the results of the survey: (Why do you think it is that, despite the very large number of subscribers to this newslist, we get very few responses to the surveys?) 0% - (A) Your subscribers hate you. Or, at the very least, I hate you. 0% - (B) There are exactly 50,000,000 surveys on the internet at any given moment and I'm sick of them. 27% - (C) What surveys? What NewsList? 37% - (D) There is a very short, greasy and somewhat ugly little man chewing on my leg. 36% - (E) None of the above (send us YOUR answer) So, in conclusion, that ugly little man gets around. Among the write in answers were suggestions that we "meditate on our naval from the rear" and that we offer to give away free nude pictures of us to survey respondents. What do you think? -Q and A with Gregg Stebben- Find out anything you want to know about AllAdvantage. The head "internet evangelist" for AllAdvantage will be answering questions submitted by visitors to The 'Get Paid to be Online' Page. Go to the url below to get more info and submit your own question. Everyone who posts a question will be entered the drawing for a free banner or text link on our main page (over 7000 unique IP impressions/month.) http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/AllAdvantageQA.php _______________________________________________________ THE END That's it for this issue. Let us know what you think: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/contact.php?em=ezine _______________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe go to this address: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Unsubscribe.php
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