November 20th, 2003 Issue |
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The Get Paid to be Online Zine
November 20th, 2003
Welcome to our newsletter. The only ezine on the internet that sincerely thinks you're sexy. Delusion or not, it just can't help itself.
If you have any questions or suggestions, send us an email at this address:
You can scroll down to the bottom of this email for unsubscribe information (but we don't recommend it.)
News and Updates
-Recent events in the get paid world.
This Issues Recommendations
-Top Companies
Interesting Visitor Quotes
-Stuff visitors say.
Get Paid Discussion
-That means talk.
The End
-Until next time
Get daily updates about all services at our news page:
For the last couple of months paid surfing has continued it's slow decline. Fortunately other types of get paid programs are continuing to increase in popularity.
And so, free money prevails. Doubt ye not the prevalence of free money. Be not swayed by those who will tell you that you can't get something for nothing. They were abused as children and havest not the eyes to see.
Sorry about that, sometimes the lord speaks through us. There's very little we can do about it.
For those of you that have heard of Pinecone Research (paid surveys) and have noticed that they do not accept signups at their site... Check the message board. New join links are posted fairly often.
Other news since last issue (newest first):
~New company: MBS Internet. Paid surveys. Not overly exciting.
~New company: Read4Gold. Gold based paid emails.
~HorizonSurfer is not responding to member support requests. Review removed.
~ReadClick has been ignoring it's members too. Bad ReadClick.
~AnyPay (payment service) has finally dropped the charade and gone offline.
~New company: SlideInExchange. Innovative traffic/revenue program for webmasters.
~AskMiky has now become AskTheDuck. We didn't ask.
~Re-Review: NPD Online. Impressively generous paid survey company.
~New company: FeedFusion. Lucrative new revenue and PPC traffic program for webmasters.
~BronzeCash has gone offline without notice. We suspect they realized that bronze is, ultimately, not worth a damn thing.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
[Top 10 Picks]
MySurvey... Currently the internets most active paid survey company.
CashBreak... Paid games at their best. Wide variety, $.50/referral.
FeedFusion... Great new PPC and Meta Search engine. Offers generous commissions to webmasters on a CPC basis as well as $.01 minimum bids for advertisers.
HTMail... The original paid email company. Still paying, great rates.
GomezPeer... Assuming they accept/activate you, you can, sincerely, get paid for doing absolutely nothing.
INTGold - Very flexible payment service. Good alternative for international users.
SurveySavvy... The best paid survey referral program on the net. Not bad for personal use either.
LinkBurst... Paid visiting. Very popular as a result of their $0 payment minimum.
1Percent... "Alternative" rewards program. In case you were curious, the pipes you can redeem for are designed for TOBACCO. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking otherwise. ;-)
NPD Online Research... Suddenly back and already paying over $40,000/month to survey participants.
For reviews and links to the above companies, go to the url below and click the Top Ten Guide link:
The following are responses to our ezine subscription question:
What is your perspective on overpopulation and its role in the brewing of unsweetened ice tea.
"If there weren't so many people on the planet there wouldn't be so many really bad choices made (ie. unsweetened ice tea) because there wouldn't be as many people around to make the bad decisions.
--Susan Talbott
[ Editors Note: Unassailable logic. ]
"I attempted to comprehend the facts, first up front then the subliminally, but to no avail. I have no idea."
--Lisa S Kelly
[ Editors Note: Even the greatest minds of our time have yet to venture an opinion on this esoterical problem. Don't feel bad. ]
"There are many things in life we will never understand, but discussion brings peace."
--Priscilla Roberts
[ Editors Note: This is Priscilla's fourth response, it should be noted ;-) ]
"What does brewing ice tea have to do with overpopulation?"
--Sherry Gatza
[ Editors Note: Yes, that was the question. It is customary to respond with an "answer". But who are we to judge social convention? ]
--Judie Branham
[ Editors Note: The most popular answer. ]
"I fear (mostly late at night after eating tunafish pizza) that the planet will get so crowded we'll be unable to lift our arms high enough to give the tea a sound stirring."
--Tim Byrnes
[ Editors Note: Amen. ]
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As as hard as it is to say... Adieu.
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