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The Get Paid to be Online Zine
May 18th, 2002
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News and Updates
-Pay by hour services
-Paid reading/writing services
-Referral services
-Other services
This Issues Recommendations
-Top Companies
-Better Marketing Through Modern Mind-Control
Get Paid Forum/Chat
-Wanna cookie?
The End
-Until next time
Get daily updates about all services at our news page:
Welcome to the world of free money. If this is your first issue, don't worry, we'll go slow. We're gentlemen.
New Subscribers: If you want frequent quick updates whenever a new program is reviewed, subscribe to the UpdatePeople list here:
Probably the biggest news since last issue (aside from that thing with the rum and the kitchen appliance) is the new program that BuildReferrals is promoting. It called Cash Evolution and, combined with some of the things that BR is doing, is the sort of opportunity that's worth looking at seriously.
The main selling points:
-Instead of taking a percentage of profits, they make their money by having regular member spots in the program. 100% of income is given back to members. Everyone is in it together.
-Everything is free after 3 referrals (even spillover referrals).
-BuildReferrals has 100 very large builders involved at the top such as Bravenet.com (pervasive web services provider with around 3,000,000 members). Getpaidtobeonline.net is in right under those builders.
-That means a lot of spillover for us, and for you, if you sign up early under us.
This is looking quite a lot like one of 'those' opportunities. BuildReferrals has done amazing things for their members so far, hopefully this will be no exception.
Sign up link:
[Pay By Hour Services]
Have you ever considered the possibility that you entire search has been in vain and that, up till now, your life has been largely hollow and without meaning?
Well, don't worry, now that you've found Getpaidtobeonline.net everything is going to be ok.
No major news in this section since last issue. CashRadio is still the best option for North American residents. CashGlow's good for pretty much everyone.
Other since last issue:
~CashRadio rates are now $.06/hour for up to 125 hours/month (up from 75).
~DesktopDollars is now strictly paid signing up. Silly buggers.
~BronzeCash has added paid visiting and joining. Getting better all the time.
~Surf4Euros has parted the veil.
~BronzeCash's latest rates came out... Up again.
~New company: GenuineBar. $1 minimum, in pre-launch. No review yet. Join here:
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in this section:
[Paid Reading/Writing Services]
Two brand new companies have already made it into the top 15 list (link below)... FunnyMoney and PaidToRead. Don't miss either of these.
News since last issue:
~EmailSwift came, screwed the pooch, and left.
~iRewards payment minimum is now $1.
~New company: OptInPays. Slightly unique.
~New company: FunnyMoney. Get paid to laugh (after reading, of course).
~New company: PaidToRead. Very nice.
~MintMail now wants you to pay them so that you can buy stuff using their card. They need the money to afford their crack addiction. Review removed.
~New company: MivoMail. In pre-launch. Join here:
~ReadThemWell rates have gone up.
~ReadClick is suddenly sending all kinds of high paid emails.
~iRewards now pays via eGold as well as PayPal.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in this section:
See the Create-A-Click section for new CAC paid email companies:
2-Opt... They're not reviewed because of their general lack of a referral program. They do pay $.05/email, however, so we like to mention them every once in a while:
[Referral Services]
~BuildReferrals (BR) Matrix is now called Advantage.
~BR now pays and extra $1/month for direct referrals.
~BR recently spent another $10,000 to bring in more free referrals/visitors for Advantage members.
~Did we mention they have a $5000 monthly lottery too? ;-)
~eGold is becoming more and more popular as an alternative to PayPal for online payments. Free to join and they have a referral program. Here's a link:
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in this section:
[Other Services]
News since last issue:
~MyPoints now offers paid surveys in addition to all the other stuff.
~New company: DSMarketing. Webmaster program. $5 to join and $5/referral. Don't miss it.
~PrimaRewards now allows members to buy direct referrals.
~PopupTraffic is now replacing PopupSponsor in the webmaster section. PS isn't currently accepting new sign ups.
~Can we call you Holly?
~MySurvey (NFO) has been running more paid surveys than anyone for over a month now. Take a look.
~New company: ExtremeTraffic. Earn cash as well as traffic.
~Various new traffic programs reviewed. See the 'More Traffic' link in the webmaster section.
~New company: CashBreak. Paid games. Well done, already popular.
~Through a partnership, PrimaRewards members can now trade their ILoveClicks (traffic program) points for cash.
~You can now get over 3000 free hits to your website just by signing up with the free traffic programs reviewed in the webmaster section. Much more for actually using them.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
(Note: Click the 'More' links in the webmaster section to find additional traffic and revenue programs)
[Top 10 Picks]
CashRadio... $.10/hour for 75 hours of listening to music each month plus 5 levels of referrals. Speaks for itself.
ClickThru... Great traffic program for webmasters and high quality paid visiting for non-webmasters. 5 level referral program.
CashGlow... $.10/hour for chatting and playing games. They've been reliable for over six months and have recently added new cash incentives for playing games.
FunnyMoney... Get paid to read jokes. Generous rates. What else do you need to know?
HTMail... The original paid email company. Still paying, great rates.
MySurvey (NFO)... Good rates, frequent paid surveys and random cash drawings.
BuildReferrals... No, actually, we haven't mentioned this one enough yet. Go check them out.
Paid-To-Read... The best new paid email company in quite a while.
AstroBingo... Get paid to play online bingo and refer your friends (or possibly grandparents). $5 free to sign up.
Blink... Probably the best designed general rewards program.
ReadClick... Very well establish paid email company. Great rates and frequent paid emails.
For reviews and links to the above companies, go to the url below and click one of the Top Ten Guide links:
Better Marketing Through Modern Mind-Control
By Linda Cox
There are two kinds of marketing: Direct Marketing and Brand
Marketing. Direct marketing targets wallets. Branding is about
hearts and minds.
Ads designed for branding are cool. They don't plead and beg and
cajole, they just sit there. They may be loud, but in a very
smug way because they already got what they want. They may tell
you where to click or who to call, but they don't really care if
you do. You saw them... that's enough. An impression was made.
Think Absolut Vodka.
Direct sale ads have a real do-or-die attitude that can make
them a bit annoying and undignified, especially amid their
mellower counterparts. By their directives shall ye know them:
Call Now! Order Now! Click Now!
Think infomercials.
You can't track the results of a branding campaign like you can
a direct sales campaign, but you don't have to. You don't need
to prove that an ad performed its function when its function was
to just sit there and look cool.
But where does that leave the accountants who need those stats
to further trim the marketing budget?
Who cares?
Say it's your friend's birthday and you buy her a t-shirt with
the logo of the Mikey Running Shoe Company emblazoned across the
front. Does that make you a Mikey person?
No. You're just some putz who bought something. As far as the
Mikey Running Shoe Company is concerned, you're irrelevant... a
statistical aberration.
Frankly, Mikey would rather have their shirt back.
But say you buy ALL your friends gifts with the Mikey logo -
plus most of your own wardrobe. You don't even have to think
about it, you just do it. Now you're not an aberration, you're a
customer, and that's a whole different level of commitment.
You pay money to be a walking billboard for Mikey. You strive to
represent the Mikey ideal. You craft your self-image based on
the models and sports stars in Mikey ads (even if you're a pudgy
smoker with a lazy eyeball and a ten dollar-a-day twinkie
But your adoption of the Mikey image runs far deeper. You're not
just a Mikey customer, you're a Mikey PERSON.
If someone bad-mouths Mikey, you set them straight. If someone
speaks well of a non-Mikey product, you respond with autonomic
contempt. If someone converts to Mikey-hood, you embrace them
into the fold.
If it were a cult, it would be called programming.
If it were an ideology, it would be called brainwashing.
If it were a religion, it would be called a conversion.
But it's a shoe. It's called branding.
In any field, there are two brands and a bunch of off-brands or
wannabes. Democrat and Republican are brands. Reform,
Libertarian, Green Party and whoever else are merely Other.
It's a Yin Yang interdependence thing. Note how Democracy is
diminished without Communism for counterpoint?
In the new world order, stores and websites are clubs, brands
are families, and The New Person is defined simply as the
combination of several dozen brand settings, like toggle
switches on a motherboard: Coke (not Pepsi). Chevy (not Ford).
Burger King (not McDonalds). Shaken (not stirred). Catholic (not
Protestant). White Sox (not Cubs).
And is there ever any real difference between the first and
second place players in any given category?
Sure. The one I prefer is like ten times better.
Linda Cox (J.A.M.G.) was born in a speeding stagecoach amid the screams of fellow passengers as insane, wild-eyed horses dragged them all crashing toward the brink of destruction. That stagecoach was the planet Earth, those passengers were the human race, and Linda Cox is Just Another Marketing Guru. (The horses were just regular horses.)
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