![]() ![]() ![]() March 5th NewsList You'll notice that none of the urls in the NewsList are hyperlinked, that's because this list is mailed in un-formatted plain text in order to be compatible with all email programs. Most email clients will automatically hyperlink any 'http://' address. The 'Get Paid to be Online' News List March 5th, 2000 http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/ _______________________________________________________ Welcome to our NewsList. The only ezine on the internet that sincerely thinks you're sexy. Delusion or not, it just can't help itself. If you have any questions or suggestions, send us an email at this address: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/contact.php?em=ezine ------------------------------------------------------------ You can scroll down to the bottom of this email for unsubscribe information (but we don't recommend it.) ------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________ CONTENTS News and Updates -Pay by hour services -Other services This Issues Recommendations -Paid Surfing -Paid Email -Referral Services -Miscellaneous Referral Tips -Yes, that's right, referral tips Links The End -A question -Until next time _______________________________________________________ NEWS AND UPDATES Get updates about all services at our news page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WhatsNew.php February was a record month for getting paid to be online. A large number of companies sent their first checks to members and some new companies have come out with previously unheard of offers. There's a lot of money being put into internet right now and companies are always trying to come up with new ways to give it away to net users. By our estimates there is at least 10 times more money being thrown at the net right now than it will be worth for another 2 or 3 years. Take advantage of it. If you happen to end up with thousands of referrals and you're making gobs of money, we only ask for one thing in exchange for telling you about all of this... Do irrational things with your money like pay someone to be your official taste tester (in case someone is trying assassinate you by poisoning your food.) Or give random people on the street hundred dollar bills to paint themselves blue. Thanks. -Pay By Hour Services- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php Not many new companies in this section since last issue but the number of services that have started sending checks has almost doubled. To get a list of which companies are paying and find out who's the best, go to this page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/RecommendedServices.php News since last issue: ~DesktopDollars is paying. ~New version of mValue software released. ~AllAdvantage viewbar for the Mac is now available. ~Spedias pay rate for "premium" members is around $.70/hour. ~mValue is paying international members for the surfing time of their US referrals. ~ePilot is now paying $1 a referral. ~ClickDough will be posting earns to members accounts on the 15th. ~UtopiAD have gone up to over $.17/hour. Getting better. ~SurfMiles (UK company) announced that their software will be out very soon. (No actual release date, of course.) ~ItAdsUp released their software for beta testing. ~More news on the WhatsNew? page. Here are the "by hour" services that have come out since the last NewsList: FreeJoin (March 5th) - Nothing special. You can see our review of FreeJoin at the following url: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour3.php -Other Services- All kind of new companies in this section. More new companies and more generous referral programs than last month. News since last issue: ~It's possible that PayPal and X.com will be merging. We'll keep you posted. ~TotalEmail is running a very good referral program. Get up to $1000 for referring new members. ~Ignifuge rates dropped slightly, damnit! ~SurfBuzz auctions started. ~ProcessTree lost a small amount of members info. Their site went down because of spam. Still looks like a great company. ~AlphaShop went offline. ~German "paid email" company OptIn.de turned out to be a hoax. ~More news on the WhatsNew? page. New services since last issue: InfoRocket (March 4rd) - Amazing referral program. Take a look. OneNest (March 3rd) - Cash for referrals on three levels. Sabril (February 28th) - New paid searching company. RedPen (February 28th) - Very good paid survey company. TrocoMania (February 26th) - Paid shopping and visiting. PayMe (February 26th) - Great referral program but it has already ended. New one coming soon. ReadClick (February 25th) - Very good new paid email company. GoldGen (February 21st) - Not much info yet. Earn free gold? PayolaEmail (February 20th) - Paid email. Very bad. Shop4Cash (February 20th) - Get paid to shop. Clicks2Cash (February 19th) - New "paid visiting" company. PointClick (February 19th) - Older. Well designed. E-Cash (February 16th) - Another paid email. Sorta unique ZozMail (February 16th) - Paid email. Not bad. GiantRewards (February 12th) - Good one. $5 a referral. If that's not enough new services for you then we give up. Reviews of the above mentioned services on these pages: http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php _______________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED COMPANIES Below you'll find this issues selection of companies that we think you'll want to check out. You look good today, have you done something with your hair? It's just not fair to the rest of humanity... you being so damn fine and all. -Paid Surfing- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/RecommendedServices.php No specific "paid surfing" recommendations this issue, instead here's a list of the companies that are currently sending the biggest checks. You can see the reviews on the By Hour Page: AllAdvantage, GetPaid4, CashSurfers, Spedia, mValue, Ignifuge and (possibly) ClickDough and DesktopDollars. -Paid Email- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php AllCommunity... Still the best. They send the most emails and have a good referral program. Not to mention that you don't have to actually read the emails to get paid. ReadClick... They haven't proven themselves yet but their program looks very good. One of the better referral programs around. TheMail... We're recommending this "paid mail account" company because of the 16 levels of referrals they'll pay you for. If you get lucky, this could really add up. -Referral Services- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ReferralServices.php InfoRocket... Get paid $10 for every referral and $5 for everyone your referrals refer. Very impressive. PayPal... $10 a referral. On top of that PayPal itself is a great service that you'll probably use yourself. -Miscellaneous- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php Epinions... Get paid to write reviews (whenever someone reads them) plus get paid for your referrals reviews. Very good company. RadioFreeCash... We really hope things work out for this company. They plan to pay members to listen to the radio. _______________________________________________________ REFERRAL TIPS You'll find tips on getting more referrals on this page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ReferralTips.php _______________________________________________________ LINKS Webmaster Central (Tips, tools and more.) http://www.wmcentral.com/ Free online blackjack. Winners win cash prizes: http://www.bjchamp.net/cgi-bin/engl.pl? Promotion resources: http://www.submitit.com/ Our main page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/ By hour services pages: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NonEnglish.php By email services page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php Online credits/miscellaneous pages: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php Webmasters page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php News Page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WhatsNew.php Exchange Links: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ExchangeLinks.php Links Page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Links.php AllAdvantage Q and a: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/AllAdvantageQA.php Referral Tips: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ReferralTips.php Subscribe to this list: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NewsList.php Unsubscribe from this list: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Unsubscribe.php _______________________________________________________ THE END That's it. Glad you came. Have a great day. _______________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe go to this address: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Unsubscribe.php
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