![]() ![]() ![]() February 12th NewsList This list is in un-formatted plain text in order to be compatible with all email clients, however, this page has been formatted to fit your screen. The 'Get Paid to be Online' News List February 12th, 2000 http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/ _______________________________________________________ Welcome to our NewsList. Hopefully February has been treating you well so far. If you have any questions or suggestions, send us an email at this address: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/contact.php?em=ezine ------------------------------------------------------------ You can scroll down to the bottom of this email for unsubscribe information (but we don't recommend it.) ------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________ CONTENTS News and Updates -Pay by hour services -Other services Referral Tips -Yes, that's right, referral tips Why is the sky blue? -We actually have an answer for you Links The End -A question -Until next time _______________________________________________________ NEWS AND UPDATES Get updates about all services at our What's New? page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WhatsNew.php It's been another great month for getting paid to be online. There are almost countless companies out there now that are sending checks. A lot of our visitors tell us that they're making an extra $100 to $400 a month with all of this and it just keeps getting better. We expect it to get A LOT better before it starts to plateau. This direct advertising concept is still very new. So what about the people that aren't making $100s a month? With the companies that are paying right now, pretty much anyone can get close their first month. People should be able to make $50 or more a month from "paid surfing" alone depending on surfing time and that's without any referrals. Add a check or two from some of the miscellaneous companies, a couple a referrals and you've got a second income. Oh great and powerful internet, we bow to your glory. For those that don't know yet, we now have a new domain. Please update your bookmarks: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/ -Pay By Hour Services- http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php There's now so many of these companies that we have added a page that lists which companies are currently paying and which ones we recommend. Here's a link: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/RecommendedServices.php News since last issue: ~Do you use FakeSurf? If so, you might want to stop. Some companies, Spedia for instance, can detect it and will cancel your account. We think that's ok because if people aren't using FakeSurf then companies will be able to afford to pay more. ~Hope this is enough news for ya... ;-) ~DesktopDollars released version 1.5 of their software. ~YellowBubble has lost members info 3 times since January 29th. We have to give them credit, we didn't even know that was possible ~BannerUnion started paying but you have to surf by manually entering urls into a frame on their site. Our take on this: it's poopy. ~ExtraSalary lost some account info. They never were all that bright. ~Spedia will give members a 20%-50% cash bonus if they surf an hour or more on 20 days in any month. ~UtopiAD rates have gone up slightly but are still painfully low. ~GoToWorld managed, somehow, to get worse. ~AllAdvantage will soon expand their payment plan to the following countries: Japan, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. ~SurfAD lost all member info but has fixed the problem and improved their payment plan. ~mValue official started paying. ~PayBar released a new, and much improved, version of their software. ~DesktopDollars will be giving out cash and prizes to members who surf the most until their official launch on February 15th. ~DesktopHorizon announced that, although they will be paying in "credits" redeemable for merchandise, members will be able to exchange them for cash in upcoming months. ~Universal science has started posting payments ~More news on the WhatsNew? page. Here are the "by hour" services that have come out since the last NewsList: MyAd (February 9th) - From the UK, pays for surfing and using your mobile phone. BasicPoint (February 8th) - Kinda unique YellowBubble (January 29th) - UK Company. Pretty shabby. ClickDough (January 23rd) - Not bad, already paying. You can see our review about any of the services mentioned above at the following urls: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour1.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour2.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHourUK.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NonEnglish.php -Other Services- The "Paid email" and especially the miscellaneous companies sections are growing much faster than we expected. We have a long list of unreviewed companies we haven't gotten to yet. The Online Credits section is now split into 6 categories and contains companies that will pay for basically everything. (Everything you can do online that is, shaving remains a mostly thankless routine.) News since last issue: ~AlphaShop appears to by dying. Their site should be offline in a few days. We'd like to have a moment of silence... Good, thanks, feel free to move about the cabin. ~AllPaidFor is giving out 5,000,000 free points to member who refer the most new members before March 15th ~ClickRebates became ClickDough (see above.) ~ColorStamps ran a contest but it's already over so we're not going to tell you about it. ~HTMail started a referral program. Worth a look. ~Confirmed that NetBiz is sending checks. ~Yes, the rumors are true... PayPal will give you $10 cash to sign up and $10 cash for every referral. ~Removed TwistedHumor from our reviews. They changed their policy and are no longer worth your time. ~More news on the WhatsNew? page. New services since last issue: (lots of them) PaidEmail (February 11th) - Another paid email. Not bad. YoYoMail (February 5th) - Paid email. Looks good. Telebet (February 9th) - $75 per successful referral. YoYoMail (February 5th) - Paid email. Looks good. ProcessTree (February 4th) - Get paid for your computers idle time. Furniture.com (February 4th) - $4.75 a referral. Epinions (February 1st) - Get paid to review all kinds of products. Looks great. PayDate (January 28th) - Re-release. Get paid to date. RadioFreeCash (January 27th) - Get paid to listen to the radio. MiracleMail (January 26th) - Paid email. MultiKredits (January 19th) - Pays for lots of stuff. Good one. WebMillion (January 17th) - Online lottery, get paid if your referrals win. Reviews of the above mentioned services on these pages: http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php _______________________________________________________ REFERRAL TIPS You'll notice that these are pretty much the same tips as the last issue, they're for new members. How do you get more referrals for the services that offer referral programs, without spamming? Well, first of all, you could try spamming. You probably won't get caught. We really don't recommend it, however, because it is one of the more annoying things on the internet and the response rate is somewhere near 1/10th of 1%. Probably less if you're promoting "paid surfing" because of the exposure it's received lately. 1) The first thing you should do is email everyone you know that won't get upset by the offer. Seems pretty straight forward but we thought we'd mention it because a lot of people haven't done it yet. The other reason we mention it is because you can now tell them that, no, these services are definitely not a scam. Now we've got proof that a lot of the "By Hour" and "By Email" as well as a huge number of misellaneous services have been sending checks for some time now. Also, don't forget ICQ/AOL Instant Messenger/Yahoo Messenger/ MSN Messenger. Might we suggest ICQs random chat feature? 2) Whatever you do, do it soon. There are literally 10s of 1000s of people a day signing up for these kinds of services. 3) Make a webpage. It's amazingly easy and it's a good place to send people who want to sign up. We'll be happy to help you with your page. You can find info about our free webpage offer for some of the "By Hour" services on our site. 4) Promote your webpage. Submit it to the 10-15 major search engines, there are lots of free pages online that you can use to do this automatically (link to one of them below.) Put your url in your email signature. Tell everyone. Join a service like the Click-Thru Network and possibly a link exchange service of some kind. You can see our review of the Click-Thru Network and find a link to their site on our associate programs page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php Here's a link to a free online url submitter: http://www.submitit.com/ 5) If you can do it inexpensively, get the word out offline (fliers, classifieds, etc....) A lot of the people that don't know about these services yet are people that have computers but don't spend a lot of time surfing the internet. We have a feeling they would if they knew they were getting paid for it. 6) If you're thinking of putting some money into this, we suggest advertising through an opt-in mailing list. If you find the right list the response rate is very good, it should be fairly inexpensive and you won't piss anyone off. This is just one of the ever growing number of fairly inexpensive ways to advertise online. 7) Don't take anything too seriously. We think this is the number one problem in America today. We have done extensive studies which prove that taking things too seriously causes just about everything bad, including cancer. We also have evidence that suggests that it's responsible for the common cold and the trots. _______________________________________________________ WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? Because the suns light is diffracted by the atmosphere during the day in such away that, for the most part, only blue light reaches your eyes. At sunset the reds and yellows are the result of a different angle of diffraction. How's that for ruining the mystique? _______________________________________________________ LINKS Free Online Poker: http://www.funcom.com/lang_en/games/poker/index.php All kinds of great website tools: http://www.netmechanic.com/ Promotion resources: http://www.submitit.com/ Our main page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/ By hour services pages: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayByHour.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NonEnglish.php http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/RecommendedServices.php By email services page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/PayToRead.php Online credits/miscellaneous pages: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/OnlineCredits.php Associate Programs/Webmasters page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WebmasterPrograms.php News Page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/WhatsNew.php Exchange Links: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/ExchangeLinks.php Links Page: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Links.php AllAdvantage Q and a: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/AllAdvantageQA.php Subscribe to this list: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/NewsList.php Unsubscribe from this list: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Unsubscribe.php _______________________________________________________ THE END Hello and welcome to the end. We hope you enjoyed your stay. A quick question before you go... Do you ever find it hard to resist the urge to spank yourself loudly in public? It's not just us is it? You think we're joking? We really want to know, this is important stuff. Email your answers to: http://www.getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Contact.php _______________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe go to this address: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/GetPaidOnline/Unsubscribe.php
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