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The Get Paid to be Online Zine
December 10th, 2002
Welcome to our newsletter. The only ezine on the internet that sincerely thinks you're sexy. Delusion or not, it just can't help itself.
If you have any questions or suggestions, send us an email at this address:
You can scroll down to the bottom of this email for unsubscribe information (but we don't recommend it.)
News and Updates
-Paid surfing/visiting services
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This Issues Recommendations
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-There can be only one
The End
-Until next time
Get daily updates about all services at our news page:
Welcome all. We hope you're fat and happy from Thanksgiving (or possibly lean and alert from Lent) and ready to go shovel money into the gigantic machine of consumerism for the good of free capitalism everywhere.
Actually we don't hope that at all but we're trying to get into the spirit of the thing. Happy Holidays in any case.
[Paid Surfing/Visiting Services]
ePIPO (one of the original, and long dead, paid surfing companies) is going to be making back payments due to legal pressure! Amazing but true. All members that were owed $20 or more will be paid at $.25 on the $1.
Since most of ya'll that used them were owed at least $100, congratulations. You should have already received an email from them quite some time ago. Payments are due some time next year.
Other news since last issue (newest first):
~HorizonSurfer launched the paid email part of their service.
~KwikECash launched paid email as well.
~New company: VJaysPaidLinks. Paid visiting/email. Low end but good referral rates and no payment minimum.
~BronzeCash overhauled their backend (rich mental image huh?). This should solve any of the previous crediting/stats problems.
~CashRadio, in attempt to make a comeback, didn't.
~New company: LinkBurst. Identical to Links2Cash. No payment minimum.
~Gomez Peer is currently looking for affiliates with dial up connections from: Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Japan and Switzerland. If that's you then you get an extra $1 bonus for joining and you're almost guaranteed active status.
Join GomezPeer here: http://getpaidtobeonline.net/su/PorivoSignUp.php
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
[Paid Reading/Writing Services]
Not much news in paid email this issue. All the big ones are sending more paid email than ever recently. No particular reason for this that we can see aside from possibly the holidays.
Other news since last issue:
~CashWind has lowered their e-gold payment minimum to $10.
~SendEarnings is now a top 10 paid email company.
~New company: CanIJoin. Good rates, well designed.
[Other Services]
The news here is the current rumors that PayPal will be dropping affiliate type programs from it's service.
We're only mentioning this paranoid hype so that we can assure you that it is not true. PayPal has absolutely no current plans to discontinue service to affiliate programs or get paid companies.
Other news since last issue:
~RevenuePilot now has a full review. A must for webmasters.
~New company: SurveySpot. Very large cash prizes and incentives.
~As of late November, SurveySaavys parent company (Luth Research) has paid members over $8,000,000 for taking surveys. Cool huh?
~You can now get over 3000 free hits to your website just by signing up with the free traffic programs reviewed in the webmaster section. Much more for actually using them.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
(Note: Click the 'More' links in the webmaster section to find additional traffic and revenue programs)
[Top 10 Picks]
MySurvey... Currently the internets most active paid survey company.
ClickThru... Great traffic program for webmasters and high quality paid visiting for non-webmasters. 5 level referral program.
CashBreak... Paid games at their best. Wide variety, $.50/referral.
CashGlow... $.10/hour for chatting and playing games. They've been reliable for over six months and have recently added new cash incentives for playing games.
HTMail... The original paid email company. Still paying, great rates.
GomezPeer... Assuming they accept/activate you, you can, sincerely, get paid for doing absolutely nothing.
ReadClick... Very well established paid email company. Great rates and frequent paid emails.
PrimaRewards... Get paid for lots of stuff. One of the best and getting better.
SurveySavvy... The best paid survey referral program on the net. Not bad for personal use either.
1Percent... "Alternative" rewards program. In case you were curious, the pipes you can redeem for are designed for TOBACCO. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking otherwise. ;-)
For reviews and links to the above companies, go to the url below and click the Top Ten Guide link:
Our ezine subscription form includes the following question:
"Your feelings about global warming and how it relates to sexual harassment?"
Here are some of the more interesting answers visitors have submitted...
Well, the warmer it gets, the fewer clothes people are apt to wear. The fewer clothes people wear, the easier it is for sexual harassment to occur.
~John StCharles
Well this is as obvious as rain. The added heat is of course getting everyone HOT while melting polar ice caps and getting us all wet. Mixing hot and wet with a raging gang of hormones is brutal.
~Dean Rogers
It is a well-known fact that when people get hot they get bothered by the climate; and when they get both hot and bothered, they are not only likely to sexually harrass each other - but to actually enjoy it!
~Lamaan Whyte
-> Editors Note: These are easily the most popular types of answers. It's part of the univeral id. Think Nellie hit.
When it gets hot out we women wear less clothing. Then guys see our legs and such and then they try to touch us.
~Christal Hagle
Well, when it's hotter I take my clothes off... But only in my backyard.
~Melinda Adams
-> Editors Note: LOL. Very concise, thanks.
I think it's terrible! I don't know how to deal with it!
~Jifu Chen
Bloody awful! Jes' bloody awful! And if the relationship isn't obvious to you, then yer goin' ter buuuuuurn!
~Alicia Brewer
-> Editors Note: We always make a point to print the calm, rational responses.
Sexual harassment is only wrong if the person isnt attractive to you.
~Laureli Kozuch
-> Editors Note: We're not sure how that relates to global warming... but we appreciate the moral view.
I know that in the office our boss turns up the air conditioner on full blast so that all the women's nipples will show through their shirts.
-> Editors Note: Not sure how that relates to global warming either... But we appreciate the information on modern workplace conditions.
Talk about free money, web design, 5 man tents, the end of the world as we know it, pretty much anything really. See our popular forum here:
For more info about paid chatting, click the Live Chat link in the upper right hand corner.
For updates and discussion about paid entry programs, see the builders forum here:
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Those that are forced to memorize the world as it is,
will never create the world as it might be.
And so it ends. Take of this wisdom and go get you some free money.
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NOTE: If you copy anything without our consent, we will be forced to spank you.