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The Get Paid to be Online Zine
August 30th, 2002
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News and Updates
-Pay by hour services
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This Issues Recommendations
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The End
-Until next time
Get daily updates about all services at our news page:
Welcome. The world of free money is as vigorous as ever. Assuming, of course, that anything internet related can actually be vigorous.
The most major change at getpaidtobeonline.net since last issue is that a very large number of outdated reviews have been removed. The paid surfing section, especially, is now much smaller.
Paid visiting/signing up news will now appear in the Pay By Hour News section (below) as paid visiting is really just another kind of paid surfing.
We have a new forum online called The Builders Forum. The focus is paid entry type programs. The main reason for this is that getpaidtobeonline.net doesn't review non-free programs despite the fact that there are some good ones out there.
Here's a link:
And last... Getpaidtobeonline.net has partnered with a very good web host. We are able to offer full featured hosting (CGI, PHP, MySQL, everything) for as little as $5. Rates work out to $1/month per gigabyte of transfer. This is probably the best deal online right now for hosting you can actually count on.
If you want more info, send any questions to:
And then there was news...
[Pay By Hour Services]
CashRadio has ended their program. Members who have reached the payment minimum will be paid in September. They were a little too good to be true.
Other news since last issue (newest first):
~ExitPaid has added paid visiting to their service. Review on the links page (see below).
~New company: TradeSnaps. Paid visiting and joining. 4 referral levels.
~New company: SmartePoints. Paid shopping/joining with plans for paid visiting.
~DoPerfect, apparently, didn't live up to their expectations. Offline.
~ClickThru has announced that payments will become available again in September.
~CashMap is lost somewhere on the other side of the tunnel. Offline.
~New company: Links2Cash. Looks very good. No payment minimum.
~ClickThru has removed the check processing fee and lowered payment minimum to $5. Daily limit for personal earnings is now $.50.
~New company: GenuineBar. New paid surfing. $1 payment minimum.
~EarningClick is temporarily offline.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
[Paid Reading/Writing Services]
News since last issue:
~EmailTreasures has decided to adopt some NitroClicks payment strategies. Review removed. Don't waste your time with this one.
~New company: PaidBizOpMail. Looks good. Already sending paid emails.
~New company: MonkeyEmails. Same people as above. A little less paid emails, however.
~EmailThatCounts is offline.
~ReadThemWell rates have gone up again.
~ahMoola finally admitted they were dead.
~iRewards rates went up and their payment minimum was lowered to $15.
~RewardsDivine has lowered their payment minimum to $15 and their payment processing fee to $1.
~GPTKing now offers both paid searching and paid email.
~OptInPays is currently sending an average of 4 paid emails/day.
~Hits4Pay is back with a new design.
~PaidToRead has ended their referral program.
~MintMail at the big white mint.
~WePaid is back with new owners and a new design. Join here:
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in this section:
2-Opt... They're not reviewed because of their general lack of a referral program. They do pay $.05/email, however, so we like to mention them:
[Referral Services]
PayPal has been purchased by eBay. This will hopefully mean more international expansion in the near future. It will also, hopefully, improve their perspective on customer satisfaction.
For anyone that missed it... local bank transfer support was added for PAYPAL members in Germany and the Netherlands in late May.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in this section:
[Other Services]
News since last issue:
~ItPaysToLearn payment minimum has been raised to $100. We don't think they understand what this is going to do to participation.
~New company: iWinWeekly. Games/lottery type program.
~New company: RevenuePilot. Webmaster revenue, similar to SearchFeed. Very nice.
~RadioFreeCash is off the air.
~New company: TrafficSwarm. Traffic Program. 500 visits free when you join.
~TrafficJam is offline. They didn't seem to be getting anywhere.
~New company: GlobalTestMarket. Very nice new paid survey company.
~New company: LeadHound. Affiliate program intermediary.
~New company: SearchFeed. Extremely good revenue program for webmasters.
~It took DynamicSMS well over a year to never launch. Going offline was their next logical business move.
~You can now get over 3000 free hits to your website just by signing up with the free traffic programs reviewed in the webmaster section. Much more for actually using them.
Reviews of any companies mentioned above can be found in these sections:
(Note: Click the 'More' links in the webmaster section to find additional traffic and revenue programs)
[Top 10 Picks]
~MySurvey... Currently the internets most active paid survey company.
ClickThru... Great traffic program for webmasters and high quality paid visiting for non-webmasters. 5 level referral program.
CashGlow... $.10/hour for chatting and playing games. They've been reliable for over six months and have recently added new cash incentives for playing games.
FunnyMoney... Get paid to read jokes. Generous rates. What else do you need to know?
HTMail... The original paid email company. Still paying, great rates.
CashBreak... Play games, make money. $.50/referral.
BuildReferrals... Downline builder and multi-faceted earnings program.
AstroBingo... Get paid to play online bingo and refer your friends (or possibly grandparents). $5 free to sign up.
Porivo... Assuming they accept/active you, you can, sincerely, get paid for doing absolutely nothing.
ReadClick... Very well established paid email company. Great rates and frequent paid emails.
For reviews and links to the above companies, go to the url below and click the Top Ten Guide link:
Scientific Advertising (is) for Dummies
Perhaps the most revered of all marketing books is "Scientific
Advertising" by Claude C. Hopkins. And why not? It's been
dampening enthusiasm, mauling budgets and scuttling good ideas
for nearly a century.
"Sacrilege!" I hear you cry. "'Scientific Advertising' is the
bible of modern advertising! Claude C. Hopkins is the founding
father of modern marketing!"
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
The main point of the book "Scientific Advertising" is that in
advertising, Testing Is Good, which raises an important
Is testing good?
Interestingly, no.
More accurately, no.
Well, okay, yes.
But not really.
Out in the real world, and here in cyberspace as well, testing
is a dream that quickly plummets into night terrors. By
conservative estimates, 80% of (costly) advertising tests yield
no usable or useful information whatsoever.
Typically, frustrated bosses first stumble on Claude's book and
wave it around like a talisman to ward off artsy and
unquantifiable marketing voodoo. That's how it starts. Next
comes a meeting where the unwashed staff is introduced to the
blindingly luminous (though currently idle) mind of Claude C.
This is when marketers groan. They know what's coming and they
know it's gonna be ugly. The boss has had an epiphany. The
clouds have parted and Claude has shined down upon him: Testing
is the Golden Key! Testing will Set Us Free! Testing will Unlock
the Vaults of Heaven!
Testing RULES!
For the marketers, this is a no-win situation at every level.
First, testing is a drag. Second, it's stupid. Third, it's dumb.
Fourth, it doesn't work. Fifth, when it works, it doesn't
Before you left-brainers and accountants out there get all
flippy-dinkled, let me point out that there are exceptions where
it does work and where it does make sense.
Say, for instance, you're running a direct mail campaign,
sending out a million pieces a week to an AARP list to yank on
the heartstrings of old people and get them to send in donations
they can't afford, two cents on every dollar of which actually
makes it through to buy beepers for grotesquely impoverished but
achingly photogenic children somewhere arid.
One of your copywriters will hemorrhage messily if the headline
above the picture of the distended-bellied little village boy
too weak from hunger to blink flies off his own eyeballs isn't
"Hey, old person! How can you let this go on?!?!" Another
copywriter will open fire on the secretarial staff if the
headline isn't "Hey, old person! How can you let this happen?!?!"
Your problem, unless you're looking for some turnover in the
secretarial pool, is which headline to go with. So, you run a
test. With all other factors being absolutely, gruelingly,
microscopically equal, and with some completely automated,
totally foolproof, exhaustively planned tracking method in
place, you send 500,000 with one headline and 500,000 with the
The result? You'll never know. The list guy bonked and sent one
headline to New York and the other to Fiji. The computer guy
bonked because it's part of his job description, so Data Entry
had to handle tracking. Data Entry didn't bonk, they just stared
at their shoes while you explained tracking and didn't do it.
The numbers you do get, however, paint a remarkably clear
Testing is dumb.
So, how about the little guy? The guy whose budget doesn't have
room for wildly improbable, hugely inaccurate, utterly useless
extravagances like testing a free car deodorizer against a free
closet deodorizer?
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Guess. That may not sound very scientific, but marketing is
really more art than science anyway.
2. Don't reinvent the wheel. Unless your product or industry
just emerged, you probably have vast archives of previous
marketing successes and failures to analyze for free.
3. Train your ear. Develop a sense of pitch that tells you when
any element of your marketing is off-key.
4. Try, try again.
On the net, keying your links, watching your stats, and
borrowing liberally from the competition is all most of us
really need.
Yes. "Scientific Advertising" is a great book and a must-read.
So is the Old Testament, but that doesn't mean we should all
rush out and stone the wicked.
(Unless, of course, they're passionately expounding the virtues
of boring marketing books written by dead marketing guys.)
Linda Cox (J.A.M.G.) was born in a speeding stagecoach amid the screams of fellow passengers as insane, wild-eyed horses dragged them all crashing toward the brink of destruction. That stagecoach was the planet Earth, those passengers were the human race, and Linda Cox is Just Another Marketing Guru. (The horses were just regular horses.)
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